Community is important. And I am hoping to build one with this podcast.
If you'd like to support the podcast, get the episodes early, ad-free and with exclusive content, become a patron on Patreon. There are $3, $4 and $5 tiers that include a private Facebook page, patron-only Zooms and other fun stuff. The perks will grow as the show does, but the price will stay the same.
Apple Podcasts is also getting into the subscription game, but they require a separate RSS feed and my host doesn't provide a second at this time, So, Apple subscriptions are on hold until either they allow content creators to upload links like Patreon, or Simplecast provides that second RSS. Fingers crossed that one or the other bends. I'll keep you posted on that.
The pricing for subscriptions will always be affordable and I hope you feel there's value in supporting this podcast. Podcasts do have a fair amount of overhead, so subscriptions and sponsorships help in meeting those monthly costs. Your support is really meaningful. Thank you so much!
Don't want to subscribe? That's fine, too! Follow along on social media. Twitter and Instagram are more active, but I do my best to keep up with Facebook. We can interact on social. I love hearing from listeners and getting feedback (it's priceless!). Please always feel free to reach out. You can also email me from the About page.
If you haven't already, be sure to subscribe to the monthly newsletter so you can find out who's next on the podcast and get a little additional background on the guests. There's a handy little form right down there in the footer to make signing up easy. Your information is never ever shared, and the newsletter will only come out once a month, unless there is super important news you need to see.
I really do hope you like this sassy little podcast. If so, giving it a high rating and a rave review is unbelievably helpful. Telling others about it is a slice of fried gold. Thank you for listening and helping us reach a wider audience! Good karma is yours!